The most candid questions and openly honest answers (abstinence, duration of sex on a plant-based diet, taste of semen on a fruit-based diet, anal sex, masturbation... and much more!!! Extremely open discussion!)
You will gain access to astonishing information about what happens in the body when transitioning to a plant-based diet (concerning sexual health and intimacy).
I will unveil the most 'EXCITING' details that I simply couldn't share publicly
I would have given a lot to know this information at the beginning of my journey... You, on the other hand, are very fortunate; I've been collecting it for years, for you! Enjoy the viewing!
I will talk about the changes to expect for both men and women when transitioning to a plant-based diet in terms of sexual health, as well as mental and partner perception. Topics include attitudes toward partners, potency, menstrual cycles, the potential risks or benefits of abstinence, the potential harms or benefits of sexual toys, masturbation, self-satisfaction, and much more.
"Nature and Sex"